One stop Solution to all Passenger Transport queries

Our Services

Welcome to Super Shuttle Logistics

We are a specialized line of business which provides customized services to organizations for transfer of employees from home to their place of work and back.

At Super Shuttle we provide Passenger transport services to BPO segments throughout INDIA, providing the extraordinary range of cutting – edge solutions you will be able to explore on these pages. Our Goal is to build strong, long – term partnership with our clients by providing world class services, across all our operations.

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To provide one stop solution to its clients

To offer customized solutions as per clients requirement.

To optimize returns to the client

To provide services 365 days

Employee satisfaction and employee safety.


As part of our continued commitment to provide the highest standard of service, we employ onto the best chauffeurs in the business.

Our professional, experienced and licensed chauffeurs are selected for their knowledge, experience, loyalty, presentation and courteous helpful and polite manner.

Esteemed Clientle